At the 2014 AGU meeting in San Francisco, I gave an invited talk in
the Mass and Energy Transfer Between
the Solar Photosphere and Corona session. The title of my talk was "The
2014 March 29 X-flare: results from the best-ever flare observation".
Links to the talk and movies are given below.
(46.0 MB; including movies)
PDF version (5.4 MB)
Movies are provided in mp4 format:
Movie 1
(7.6 MB; large field-of-view AIA 335, logarithmic scaling, 12s cadence)
Movie 2
(3.0 MB; small field-of-view AIA 335, logarithmic scaling, 12s cadence)
3 (0.7 MB; AIA 211, logarithmic scaling, 12s cadence, showing
heating of the filament channel)
Movie 4
(0.1 MB; IRIS Si IV spectra, showing filament eruption)
Movie 5
(0.6 MB; AIA 131, showing development of post-flare loop arcade)