SPICE publications summary

The table below gives the number of SPICE-related publications separated into publication type (refereed journal articles, conference proceedings/technical reports, and preprints) and year. Clicking on the links will give the list of publications for that publication type and year. Also given are the numbers of citations for the SPICE papers.

YEAR No. of publications Citations
Total Journals Conf. Proc. Other
2021 1 1 0 0 15
2022 1 1 0 0 8
2023 6 6 0 0 44
2024 7 7 0 0 16
TOTAL 15 15 0 0 83

Additional SPICE publication information:

Author-country information

This table shows the location of the first authors of the papers. The information is extracted from the affiliations of the authors stored in ADS. Of the 15 papers, 15 affiliations could be extracted.

CountryFirst author papers

Authors with the most first-author papers

The following is a list of the 10 authors with the most first-authored refereed EIS papers. If authors have the same surname and same first initial then they will not be differentiated.

NameNo. of papers
Yardley, S2
Brooks, D2
Plowman, J1
Petrova, E1
Long, D1
Lezzi, S1
Janvier, M1
Huang, Z1
Fludra, A1
Dolliou, A1

Abstract keyword search

The following links give lists of papers that have the listed keywords in their abstracts. This can be a useful way for finding papers on a specific topic. Only refereed papers are listed.

Last revised on Mon Jan 6 10:33:58 2025