First-authored, refereed publications of Dr Peter R. Young
A list of first-authored, refereed publications of Dr Peter R. Young, derived from the ADS Abstracts Service. The number in brackets after each title indicates the number of citations that the paper has received.
List of publications ordered by citations
Number of papers: 40
No. of citations: 1853
h-index: 23
- The Temperature and Density of a Solar Flare Kernel Measured from Extreme-ultraviolet Lines of O IV [0]
Young, Peter R., ApJ, 966, 102
- Updated Reference Wavelengths for Si VII and Mg VII Lines in the 272-281 Å Range [3]
Young, Peter R., ApJ, 958, 40
- A spectroscopic measurement of high velocity spray plasma from an M-class flare and coronal mass ejection [1]
Young, Peter R., Advances in Space Research, 71, 1900
- Properties of EUV Imaging Spectrometer (EIS) Slot Observations [3]
Young, Peter R. & Ugarte-Urra, Ignacio, Solar Physics, 297, 87
- Scattered Light in the Hinode/EIS and SDO/AIA Instruments Measured from the 2012 Venus Transit [1]
Young, Peter R. & Viall, Nicholeen M., ApJ, 938, 27
- An Analysis of Spikes in Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) Data [4]
Young, Peter R., Viall, Nicholeen M., Kirk, Michael S., Mason, Emily I. & Chitta, Lakshmi Pradeep, Solar Physics, 296, 181
- Future Prospects for Solar EUV and Soft X-ray Solar Spectroscopy Missions [14]
Young, Peter R., Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences, 8, 50
- Fe VII Emission Lines in the Wavelength Range 193-197 Å [7]
Young, Peter R., Ryabtsev, Alexander N. & Landi, Enrico, ApJ, 908, 104
- A Si IV/O IV Electron Density Diagnostic for the Analysis of IRIS Solar Spectra [23]
Young, P. R., Keenan, F. P., Milligan, R. O. & Peter, H., ApJ, 857, 5
- Element Abundance Ratios in the Quiet Sun Transition Region [46]
Young, P. R., ApJ, 855, 15
- Solar Ultraviolet Bursts [90]
Young, Peter R., Tian, Hui, Peter, Hardi, Rutten, Robert J., Nelson, Chris J., Huang, Zhenghua, Schmieder, Brigitte, Vissers, Gregal J. M., Toriumi, Shin, Rouppe van der Voort, Luc H. M., Madjarska, Maria S., Danilovic, Sanja, Berlicki, Arkadiusz, Chitta, L. P., Cheung, Mark C. M., Madsen, Chad, Reardon, Kevin P., Katsukawa, Yukio & Heinzel, Petr, Space Science Reviews, 214, 120
- The CHIANTI atomic database [24]
Young, P. R., Dere, K. P., Landi, E., Del Zanna, G. & Mason, H. E., Journal of Physics B Atomic Molecular Physics, 49, 074009
- Dark Jets in Solar Coronal Holes [21]
Young, Peter R., ApJ, 801, 124
- The 2014 March 29 X-flare: Subarcsecond Resolution Observations of Fe XXI λ1354.1 [89]
Young, Peter R., Tian, Hui & Jaeggli, Sarah, ApJ, 799, 218
- Solar Dynamics Observatory and Hinode Observations of a Blowout Jet in a Coronal Hole [77]
Young, P. R. & Muglach, K., Solar Physics, 289, 3313
- A coronal hole jet observed with Hinode and the Solar Dynamics Observatory [44]
Young, Peter R. & Muglach, Karin, Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 66, S12
- Properties of a Solar Flare Kernel Observed by Hinode and SDO [70]
Young, P. R., Doschek, G. A., Warren, H. P. & Hara, H., ApJ, 766, 127
- O VI Recombination Lines in Ultraviolet and Visible Spectra of RR Telescopii [9]
Young, P. R., ApJ, 749, 1
- Velocity Measurements for a Solar Active Region Fan Loop from Hinode/EIS Observations [67]
Young, P. R., O'Dwyer, B. & Mason, H. E., ApJ, 744, 14
- Forbidden and Intercombination Lines of RR Telescopii: Wavelength Measurements and Energy Levels [24]
Young, P. R., Feldman, U. & Lobel, A., ApJS, 196, 23
- Chianti—An Atomic Database for Emission Lines. XI. Extreme-Ultraviolet Emission Lines of Fe VII, Fe VIII, and Fe IX Observed by Hinode/EIS [36]
Young, P. R. & Landi, E., ApJ, 707, 173
- New EUV Fe IX Emission Line Identifications from Hinode/EIS [33]
Young, P. R., ApJ, 691, L77
- High-precision density measurements in the solar corona. I. Analysis methods and results for Fe XII and Fe XIII [164]
Young, P. R., Watanabe, T., Hara, H. & Mariska, J. T., A&A, 495, 587
- EUV Emission Lines and Diagnostics Observed with Hinode/EIS [185]
Young, Peter R., Del Zanna, Giulio, Mason, Helen E., Dere, Ken P., Landi, Enrico, Landini, Massimo, Doschek, George A., Brown, Charles M., Culhane, Len, Harra, Louise K., Watanabe, Tetsuya & Hara, Hirohisa, Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 59, S857
- Solar Transition Region Features Observed with Hinode/EIS [58]
Young, Peter R., Del Zanna, Giulio, Mason, Helen E., Doschek, George A., Culhane, Len & Hara, Hirohisa, Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 59, S727
- High-Ionization Forbidden Lines in the UV Spectrum of AG Draconis [15]
Young, P. R., Dupree, A. K., Espey, B. R. & Kenyon, S. J., ApJ, 650, 1091
- Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer Observations of the Symbiotic Star AG Draconis [23]
Young, P. R., Dupree, A. K., Espey, B. R., Kenyon, S. J. & Ake, T. B., ApJ, 618, 891
- The Ne/O abundance ratio in the quiet Sun [78]
Young, P. R., A&A, 444, L45
- The element abundance FIP effect in the quiet Sun [35]
Young, P. R., A&A, 439, 361
- Fe VII lines in the spectrum of RR Telescopii [17]
Young, P. R., Berrington, K. A. & Lobel, A., A&A, 432, 665
- Radiative data for Fe XIII [16]
Young, P. R., A&A, 417, 785
- CHIANTI-An Atomic Database for Emission Lines. VI. Proton Rates and Other Improvements [270]
Young, P. R., Del Zanna, G., Landi, E., Dere, K. P., Mason, H. E. & Landini, M., ApJS, 144, 135
- Capella: Separating the Giants [4]
Young, P. R. & Dupree, A. K., ApJ, 565, 598
- Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer Observations of Capella [38]
Young, P. R., Dupree, A. K., Wood, B. E., Redfield, S., Linsky, J. L., Ake, T. B. & Moos, H. W., ApJ, 555, L121
- Comparing Quiet Sun and Coronal Hole Regions with CDS/SOHO [2]
Young, P. R. & Esser, R., Space Science Reviews, 87, 345
- Temperature and density in a polar plume - measurements from CDS/SOHO [51]
Young, P. R., Klimchuk, J. A. & Mason, H. E., A&A, 350, 286
- Atomic Physics for Atmospheric Composition Measurements [18]
Young, P. R. & Mason, H. E., Space Science Reviews, 85, 315
- CHIANTI: an atomic database for emission lines. II. Comparison with the SERTS-89 active region spectrum [114]
Young, P. R., Landi, E. & Thomas, R. J., A&A, 329, 291
- The Mg/Ne abundance ratio in a recently emerged flux region observed by CDS [61]
Young, P. R. & Mason, H. E., Solar Physics, 175, 523
- The Ar/Ca relative abundance in solar coronal plasma. [18]
Young, P. R., Mason, H. E., Keenan, F. P. & Widing, K. G., A&A, 323, 243
This page mantained by Dr P.R. Young, last revised on Tue Sep 10 17:38:06 2024