This was a quiet week, with little flaring activity. The main target
in the first half of the week was AR 11838, an unremarkable AR that
emerged during the previous
rotation and was named AR 11818. For OPs 3 and 4 the default target
became a newly emerged region AR 11839 and, after that rotated round
the limb, we switched to AR 11841 on 15 September in the eastern
hemisphere (however I didn't schedule any observations of AR 11841).
Due to the launch of the SPRINT-A rocket on 14 September, it was not
possible to upload the EIS weekend plan on this day, so a 4 day weekend
plan was uploaded on 13 September. This meant that I had to prepare an
extra weekend plan for this week, so I give details of 15-17 September
The HOPs that were supported were:
HOP 81 - polar monitoring campaign, supported on 8, 10 and 11 Sep.
HOP 206 - polar panorama map, supported on 7, 9, 13 and 16 Sep.
HOP 237 - spectroscopic study of magnetic tornadoes (9, 11, 12 Sep)
Note that HOPs 81 and 206 used the same EIS study and targets. There was an additional HOP 236 which was a collaboration between SST, IRIS and Hinode, but I didn't support this specifically as we didn't receive pointing information in time for the Hinode plans.
A low latitude coronal hole was present during the planning week, and I got an observation on 11 September.
At the time of this week's plan, the EIS team are experimenting with
the implementation of pointing offsets in order to get better alignment
with AIA and IRIS. For targets selected from AIA images, I thus
manually adjusted the EIS X-position by -17 arcsec. (The Y-offset is -3
arcsec, so was not worth correcting for.)
The default target for the weekend plan was AR 11838, and I decided to just to schedule four Atlas_60 studies spread over the 3 day plan. The first of these was at 19:18 on the 7th.
The second Atlas_60 for AR 11838 was scheduled for 07:13.
HOP 81 was run at the north pole from 08:47 to 13:45. The main study
is a single run of SK_CH_DIAG_320x384, and I put PRY_slot_context at
either end.
The first support of HOP 237 was scheduled for 03:34 to 09:20. It consists of eis_tornadoes_sns, book-ended by eis_tornadoes_scan. The pointing was a prominence at the NW limb. Based on the 193 image, the prominence was small and we probably missed it with EIS.
HOP 206 (which is basically identical to HOP 81) was supported from 09:26 to 14:17.
The fourth Atlas_60 for AR 11838 was scheduled at 19:44.
HOP 81 is supported from 10:19 to 15:10 (north pole).
For this OP I am continuing to run spectral atlas studies for AR
11838. The first of two is at 18:48.
HOP 237 is supported again for the period 02:30 to 08:16, with a prominence close to the west equator. The Hinode pointing changes at 08:00 so it's possible that the pointing may change during the last HOP 237 raster.
HOP 81 was supported again, this time at the south pole, from 10:30
to 15:30.
The second Atlas_60 study on AR 11838 (see 10 Sep) was scheduled for 19:23.
I had some data volume to burn so I scheduled Hunter_loop_fe8 at
21:55 to search for a bright loop footpoint from the AR complex that
includes AR 11838. Although the trigger worked, the selected region is
not very good, showing just weak emission in Fe VIII, so something must
have gone wrong.
HOP 237 is supported again from 02:30 to 08:00. A mistake occurred
when we switched from a fixed pointing at the limb to an on-disk
pointing: tracking was not switched on. I adjusted the raster positions
to compensate.
Note that for OP3 XRT was mostly in bakeout, so I was given 25% of the DR allocation. This allowed me to plan more studies.
For OP3 the default AR pointing switched to AR 11839, a small, recently emerged region to the west of 11838. I scheduled an ATLAS_60 study at 11:05 and it may be useful for studying abundances.
From 18:30 I scheduled IUU_SCAN_STEPS_002 for 6 hours on AR 11839.
There should be some overlap with IRIS and BBSO for this data-set.
HOP 237 was supported again from 03:30 to 08:00, this time for a prominence at the NW limb.
The Friday plan had originally been part of OP 3, when the EIS DR
allocation was 25%. When it was switched to OP 4, I didn't change the
plan which meant that it used up most of the telemetry of the 4 day
weekend plan (since the 4 day plan went back to 15%).
HOP 206 was supported again from 10:25 to 15:16 at the north pole.
A second ATLAS_60 study for AR 11839 was scheduled for 17:20, and
then IUU_SCAN_STEPS_002 was run again for 5.5 hours from 18:55.
HOP 237 was supported for the last time this week from 03:00 to
07:44. The target is a small filament at the NW limb - this one may actually be a "tornado".
HOP 236 was supported with an Atlas_60 at disk center (quiet Sun) at 09:13-10:18. This should be coordinated with IRIS.
A third ATLAS_60 study for AR 11839 was scheduled for 17:58.
The only science observation for this day is another ATLAS_60 study for AR 11839, scheduled for 15:13.
HOP 206 was supported again from 10:32 (north pole).
No observations this day.