The week began with AR 11082 being the only active region on the Sun, close to the central meridian. A couple of old, decaying active regions started coming around the east limb on 21 June. A nice equatorial coronal hole passed by the central meridian on 23-24 June.
The week was divided into four OP periods: OP1 was 2 days long, OP2 and OP3 were 2 days long, and OP4 was 1 day long. (These non-standard OP periods are due to a clash with the Akari satellite's telemetry plans.)
Note that this planning week took place during the Hinode eclipse season. Where possible studies were only scheduled for the daytime periods of the orbits.
image at 22:09 UT
GOES plot (19-21 Jan)
A nice filament was present close to AR 11082 on the west side of the AR so the ToO HOP 150 (erupting filaments) was called. EIS ran the study AR_filament from around 11 UT to around 10 UT the next day.
After completing support of HOP 150, EIS performed the first ever test of the bright point trigger at 10:40 UT at disk center. No more studies were performed this day. UPDATE: this test was successful.
Inspection of AIA images suggested the morphology of AR 11082 changed significantly during 20 June due to the emergence of a nearby bright point. The HOP 150 data may thus show something interesting.
A test of the new study HPW021 was inserted at 01:15 and pointed at the east footpoints of the active region. No other science studies were run in this OP.
I ran the nanoflare study at 11:06 and 12:45 on the east and west footpoints of AR 11082, respectively. The latter was repeated twice.
The spectral atlas study, Atlas60, was run on AR 11082 at
14:23. No more science studies were run this day.
193 image
GOES plot, 23-25 Jun
HOP 161 was supported until 05:05 UT - see above.
There's a nice equatorial coronal hole and so HOP 163
coronal hole study) was run from 12:20 to 16:00. I took the opportunity
to run a couple of extra studies: SK_DEEP_10x512_SLIT2 was run using
ASRC to make a 100x512 raster (7 spaced pointings) which might be
useful for velocity studies. I also slipped in a Atlas_60s partly in
the coronal hole and partly in the quiet Sun.
The bright point trigger test is performed again from 03:15. The pointing is just north of disk center to avoid the equatorial coronal hole. UPDATE: this test was successful.
HOP 162 is supported on AR 11082 from 09:40 to 15:45. Three runs of HPW021 are placed adjacently across the region, with Atlas_60 run afterwards to obtain a spectral atlas.
193 image
GOES plot, 25-26 Jun
HOP 146 (Kuen's coronal hole monitoring) is supported from 02:00 to 07:00 at the south pole. The coronal hole is quite small.
HOP 73 (quiescent prominence) is supported again from 13:30 to 16:30 (two orbits) at the NW limb, i.e., same prominence as last time.
HOP 162 is supported at disk center from 18:30 to 21:30 (two orbits).
The bright point trigger test is performed again at disk
center from 23:30.
The only study in this period is the bright point trigger test from 23:30 to 01:00.