At the start of the week the flare-productive active region complex
AR11519,520,521 had just passed around the west limb, leaving the
quiescent active region AR 11524/25 close to the central meridian, and
the also-quiet AR 11526 on the east limb. Later in the week more active
regions appeared around the east limb, in particular AR 11527 and 528
in the north, and AR 11529 and 530 in the south. The default active
region pointing changed from AR 11525 in OP1, AR 11526 in OP2 to AR
11530 in OP3.
HOP 81 was supported on 22nd and 23rd. HOP 173 was run every day
from 22nd onwards but EIS support was not requested and I did not give
it (the observing period was awkward, with two 2 hour chunks with an
XRT synoptic in between). HOP 79 was scheduled for the 26th with a north-south scan.
Since I'm the CO, the first runs of the EIS-COMP joint study were
scheduled for the 21st and 24th, the east limb being the target in both
The EIS-COMP study was run at the east limb at 18:43 (north) and
20:09 (south).
Monitoring of AR 11525 continued.
HOP 81 was supported for 10:45-15:35, with a north limb pointing.
Monitoring of AR 11525 continued.
HOP 81 was supported for 09:43-14:33, with an east limb pointing.
For the period 18:28-22:23, a flare study was performed on AR 11525 in the vain hope that there may be some small flares (it doesn't look like there was).
Monitoring of AR 11525 continued.
The COMP study was run again at 17:23 (north) and 18:49 (south).
Note there are two ARs at the limb for this observation, with some
interconnecting loops so this might be a good data-set.
The north pointing of the Hinode co-alignment program was performed
at 22:27.
The east pointing of the Hinode co-alignment program was performed at 00:15.
There are quite a lot of nice footpoints in AR 11526, so I scheduled
the footpoint hunter study at 05:01, with the response being
PRY_footpoints_HI2. I'm bit concerned how much of this data will come
back (assuming the trigger goes off). Note that I scheduled this study
for when the AR was close to the meridian. [UPDATE: this worked, but
the AR ended up at the bottom of the raster. Lots of nice loop
footpoints, though.]
The north-south scan of HOP 79 was performed from 09:55 to 02:40 on 27 July.
HOP 79 support continued until 02:40.
AR 11530 was monitored with four runs of the GDZ_300x384_S2S3_35s study scheduled at 05:38, 13:51, 20:24, and 06:15 (28 July).
The Cam_flare_diag study was run during four consecutive day time orbits from 07:20 to 13:23. It was difficult to select an "active" part of the AR, so I just chose the region brightest in AIA 335.
A second run of Cam_flare_diag was scheduled for three further consecutive orbits from 22:06 to 02:31 (28 July).
Monitoring of AR 11530 and the Cam_flare_diag study were continued.