Planning week 11-18 Dec 2021

This planning week was a transition from focused mode to regular mode. Therefore, I only had to plan from Tuesday to Saturday (two OPs). One surprise was that the timeline showed short XRT twilight durations of 7 minutes, even though we're well away from the Hinode eclipse season.

The week began with a large AR (12907) coming over the east limb, and this became the default target. It produced a number of C-flares from 12-Dec onwards.

I ran three slot calibration studies this week, as described below. These take data over the full height of the CCD.

Tuesday 14 December (OP1)

AIA 193 image

HOP 130 began at 12:14 UT and finished by 16:44 UT. The sensitivity monitoring study SYNOP008 was run on quiet Sun at 19:22 UT

Wednesday 15 December(OP1)

AIA 193 image

The slot calibration study began at 00:02 UT, and used a combination of SK_DEEP_5x512_SLIT1 and dei_qs_80_slot40 studies. It was run above the west limb in quiet Sun. I used the same sequence as run on 20-Sep-2021. Three pointings were used: X=1020, 1050 and 1080. I also scheduled a dhb_atlas_120m_30" study at 01:31 UT and X=1050.

The active region was observed with HPW021VEL260x512v2 at 06:25 UT, followed by 37 repeats of ar_evolution. [UPDATE: there was flaring activity between 08:00 and 16:00 so some of this should have been captured.]

Thursday 16 December (OP2)

AIA 193 image

HOP 412 (SOT latitudinal scan) was supported from 12:21 UT to 01:49 UT on the 17th. I had to drop pointing 9 (of 20) to fit in an engineering study.

There was a break in HOP 412 to perform an extended XRT synoptic and I used this to run a slot calibration study at 17:57 that consisted of madj_ech, dei_qs_80_slot40, dei_qs_80_slot40 and madj_ech. The first two at yip=1 and the second two at yip=512.

Friday 17 December (OP2)

AIA 193 image

HOP 412 continued until 01:49 UT. I took advantage of pointing 18 to run another slot calibration study at about 00:26 UT on the 17th with dei_qs_80_slot40 at yip=1 and 512, respectively. The pointings are in the north hemisphere and will extend off-limb.

AR 12307 was producing a number of C-flares on 15-Dec and so I scheduled EL_DHB_01 and EL_DHB_02 (coronal magnetic field measurements) at 08:17 UT for about 8.5 hours. I set 40 and 60 rasters respectively.

Saturday 18 December (OP2)

AIA 193 image

HOP 393 (cycle 24/25 transition) was supported at 00:02 UT with Large_CH_Map.

Page maintained by Dr Peter R Young.