Due to CO illness, I also planned for 18 January to addition to my week.
The days referred to below run from (approx) 10 UT to 10 UT.
During this week the Hinode data rate was approximately half the usual value due to missing passes. It was often necessary to leave 'idle time' in the plan to allow the data recorder to drain as most EIS studies are optimised for the normal data rate.
HOP 61 supported all day. Target was equatorial coronal hole. Study used: tr_bright. Low data rate all day.
For the period 11-18 UT, a large scan of the south coronal hole was performed. PRY_slot context was used to generate a slot context image covering 600x512 arcsec^2. The study majd_ech (120x512 arcsec^2) was then pointed four times across the coronal hole to cover 480x512 arcsec^2. It was necessary to space the four rasters in time due to the low data rate. Note that madj_ech uses the 2" slit and has a 60s exposure time, and the line list is extensive.
For the rest of the day HOP 61 was supported. with the tr_bright study.
For the period 11-18 UT the south pole was again scanned with the same study as yesterday.
For the rest of the day HOP 61 was supported with the tr_bright study.
During 11-16 UT I requested a pointing at the west limb (+945,0) and I ran QS_atlas_offlimb twice. This study obtains full spectra along the slit at 21 positions spaced by 10 arcsec. The EIS pointing was (+1125,-50). Note that the second run of the study was offset from the first by 2 arcsec in case the spatial X-offset of the two CCDs is an issue in the data analysis.
During 16-20 UT, SYNOP002 was performed at disk centre.
HOP 61 was supported for 21-6 UT.
At 7:13 I took advantage of the limb pointing of HOP 61 to slip in a run of FILL001 to obtain full spectra far off-limb at (+1136,-523). At the time I did the pointing this lay approximately in the coronal hole being observed by HOP 61.
HOP 59 (quiet Sun evolution, PI: Young) was supported all day. A separate link describes this observation.
HOP 59 (quiet Sun evolution, PI: Young) was supported all day. A separate link describes this observation.
HOP 60 (quiet Sun dynamics, PI: Warren) was supported between 10:40 and 22:50. The pointing was the same as HOP 59, and the study was a high cadence (70s) slot raster.
HOP 63 (magnetic-acoustic shocks in the chromosphere, PI: McIntosh) was supported between 01:30 and 04:00. The pointing was tracking quiet Sun through Sun centre.
No other science studies could be run this day.