Planning week 15-22 January 2007

The start of planning week was around 11 UT on 15 January (Monday).

During this week it was not possible to plan anything between the EIS table upload (around 8-9 UT) and the start of the next OP period (around 11 UT).

The dominant feature on the Sun during this time was AR 10938, an evolved active region which crossed the central meridian on 18 Jan.

For most of the week a coronal hole jet campaign was run for 6 hours at the south pole.

On Wednesday the XRT synoptics were moved to the times 12, 18, 00 and 06 UT. Previously they had been run at 11, 16, 22 and 04 UT. Generally the synoptics divided the day into 4 blocks of approximately 6 hours.

Monday, 15 Jan

EIT 195 image

During 10-16 UT, pointing was on AR 10938 but towards the solar-west side of the region.

During 16-22 UT, an XRT coronal hole jet campaign at the south pole was supported by running the study HH_AR+FLR_RAS_N01.

Between 22 and 02 UT a spectral atlas was obtained on AR 10938 with HPW001_FULLCCD_RAST. This was followed by 3 runs of  HH_AR+FLR_RAS_N01 (02-04 UT). The first of these 3 runs caught a very interesting jet to the west side of the AR (Chifor et al., 2008, A&A), while the 2nd and 3rd caught a flare in the main body of the AR.

Between 04 and 08 UT two runs of JTM005 (sit-and-stare, 120 exp., 512") were run on AR 10930.

Tuesday, 16 Jan

EIT 195 image

Studies between 11 and 14 UT seem to have been lost. At 14:30 HH_QS_RAS_N01 was run on QS close to disk centre.

During 16-22 UT, an XRT coronal hole jet campaign at the south pole was supported by running the study HH_AR+FLR_RAS_N01.

Between 22 and 02 UT a spectral atlas was obtained on AR 10938 with HPW001_FULLCCD_RAST. This was followed by 9 repeats of  HH_AR+FLR_RAS_N01 between 02 and 06 UT.

Quiet Sun was observed between 06-09 UT using HH_QS_RAS_N01.

Wednesday, 17 Jan

EIT 195 image

PRY_loop_footpoints was tested for the first time with one raster at 11:20 UT. Pointing was the footpoints on the east side of AR 10938.

The coronal hole jet campaign was moved to 12-18 UT from this day onwards. EIS supported with HH_AR+FLR_RAS_N01 again.

During 18-06 UT EIS observed the loop footpoints on the east side of the AR 10938 using the study PRY_loop_footpoints (22 repeats in all).

Between 06 and 09 UT PRY_fast_dens was run for the first time. Pointing was over the loop footpoints on the east side of AR 10938.

Thursday, 18 Jan

EIT 195 image

PRY_loop_footpoints was run twice during 11-12 UT. Pointing was the footpoints on the east side of AR 10938. Note that CDS supported this observation using two runs of TREG22 starting at 10:48.

The coronal hole jet campaign was supported during 12-18 UT with HH_AR+FLR_RAS_N01 again.

An map of AR 10938 was obtained with JTM002 (256"x256") during 18-21 UT. This was followed by 6 repeats of PRY_loop_footpoints over the east-side loop footpoints (21-24 UT).

During 00-03:30 PRY_fast_dens was run 16 times over the central portion of the AR.

For 04-08 UT HH_AR+FLR_RAS_N01 was run 8 times on the AR.

Friday, 19 Jan

EIT 195 image

Between 11-12 UT, PRY_fast_dens was run over the east-side footpoints.

The coronal hole jet campaign was supported during 12-18 UT again, but this time with HPW007_QS_SLOTW_v2 (a 40" slot raster with 3 positions).

During 18-24 UT PRY_loop_footpoints was run over the east-side footpoints. Note that CDS supported by running the study TREG22 nine times starting at 18:23.

PRY_fast_dens was run over 00:30-02:30 on the east-side footpoints.

An AR map was obtained over 02:30-06 UT using COMSCI_AR3.

Pointing moved back to Sun centre from 06-09 UT and HPW004_QS_RAST_120m was run.

Saturday, 20 Jan

EIT 195 image

The XRT CO was persuaded to drop the 00 UT synoptic this day, allowing a continuous run of 12 hours.

PRY_loop_footpoints was run twice during 11-12 UT. Pointing was the footpoints on the east side of AR 10938.

The coronal hole jet campaign was supported during 12-18 UT with HPW007_QS_SLOTW_v2.

During 18-06 UT, PRY_loop_footpoints was run 24 times over the west-side footpoints of AR 10938. The 22:32 raster was analysed by Young et al. (2007, PASJ).

PRY_fast_dens was run during 06-12 UT over the main body of the AR.

Sunday, 21 Jan

EIT 195 image

The XRT CO was again persuaded to drop the 00 UT synoptic this day.

The coronal hole jet campaign was supported during 12-18 UT with HPW007_QS_SLOTW_v2.

During 18-06 UT GAD01_AR_RAST was run 9 times.

PRY_loop_footpoints was run at disk centre (quiet Sun) three times between during 06-08 UT.

Monday, 22 Jan

EIT 195 image

A small active region had popped up to solar-east of the AR 10938 and so, although the Hinode pointing was still on 10938, I pointed EIS at the new region.

One run of PRY_loop_footpoints on the new AR at 11 UT, followed by 12 more repeats during 12-18 UT. 

An alignment study was performed during 18-24 UT with pointings at the north and east limbs.

For 00-06 UT, EIS returned to the new active region and PRY_loop_footpoints was repeated 12 more times.

For 06-08 UT, PRY_fast_dens was run on the new active region.